Hello there!

I'm Stanislav, I'm a software engineer currently living in Yerevan, Armenia. In my day-to-day work, I work mostly with Python and Go programming languages.

My interests range from software development and programming to reading and sports.

I have experience working with modern Python web frameworks, such as AIOHTTP, FastAPI, and Starlette, as well as with good old Django and Flask.

Striving to make reliable software


Certificate / AWS

AWS Certified Developer - Associate

RealWorld example app

A RealWorld backend implementation using Python, AIOHTTP, SQLAlchemy, asyncpg, and the Clean Architecture.
2024-03-18 Source

Certificate / habr.com

Технотекст 2022

Certificate / coursera.org

Programming with Go Specialization
  • Getting Started with Go
  • Functions, Methods, and Interfaces in Go
  • Concurrency in Go

Certificate / otus.ru

Microservice Architecture

Professional Certificate / coursera.org

IBM AI Engineering
  • Machine Learning with Python
  • Scalable Machine Learning on Big Data using Apache Spark
  • Introduction to Deep Learning & Neural Networks with Keras
  • Deep Neural Networks with PyTorch
  • Building Deep Learning Models with TensorFlow
  • AI Capstone Project with Deep Learning

AIOHTTP / Angular application

Image color extraction
The app builds a color palette by extracting dominant colors from an image. It uses K-means clustering to find dominant colors.
2020-07-18 Source

Certificate / otus.ru

Python Developer Advanced

Django Example App

Poor man's Stackoverflow
2019-10-14 Source